Wednesday 17 June 2009

An update on my life

Ok, time for a proper post, methinks. I have been way too slack with this thing... especially since I really enjoy reading other people's blogs. Quietly stalking away... hehehe. So it's only fair :)

So?... What's been happening in my life, then? Well, I left my job as an environmental consultant in February. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. But it turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made! I do not regret leaving that job for a moment. I guess why I left the job can be summed up in that I was fast becoming someone who I didn't want to be. I was becoming work-obsessed, more irritable, very stressed, less patient, less forgiving and tired often... While I was becoming a better consultant, I was getting worse and worse at being a good wife, daughter and friend. My Christian faith was suffering immensely and there were many weeks that I didn't go to church. I didn't want to be some career-driven and money-hungry person, where my work defined who I was. So I quit.

Last year was a tough one for me, but God got me through it. Only he could have, because I know I certainly couldn't have made and executed such a big decision on my own.

Now I'm in a bit of a limbo-land... Not sure what to do next with my life. That is, post-Europe. At the moment I'm planning for the big trip, teaching scripture and learning French again.. and I'm loving all these things! I'm very grateful that I'm able to take a break from work to do these things. Next year is a big uncertainty for me. Was thinking of doing teaching, probably primary school. But I'm not sure. Maybe environmental education? I'm getting a bit impatient with God, I wish he would give me a clear answer!!

More posts to follow...